Sunday, January 18, 2009

Will You Sign the Petition?

There is a petition circulating through Cloverdale in the Shire to have this picture removed from the School Council’s Public Meeting Hall. It hangs on the wall right behind the President of the Council’s desk.
“We need that picture removed at once!” said Janice Needly local parent and trouble maker. “Why is it here? What good does it do? I ask you. I ask all of you,” she said at a recent council meeting. She has gotten nearly 35 signatures on the petition. Most of them shoppers at the Piggly Wiggly.
“Yes I signed that paper,” said local shopper Betty Bernard of 312 Samson Lane in an interview with a reported from the Confederacy Times. “I had to. She stood behind my car so I couldn’t back out until I did. Besides, she has a good point. Why is that picture in the Council Room. She wants it hanging in the foyer of the elementary school where it can do some good. I guess I have to agree. Let them move the picture to the school. It’ll scare the ‘heck’ out of the kids. Isn’t that what a good school does? Now can I back out?”

1 comment:

  1. Hear Ye Hear Ye, This is a great picture for the school's glass display case!!.. along with a miniture guillotine, puplic torture rack, and electrocution devises....

    I'll go move my car....then I'll sign the petition
