Sunday, January 29, 2012

Cloverdale's Early Morning Christian Gossips

     Norma Watkins and Jean Maple Stanley formed their lasting friendship on this very park bench in Cloverdale over thirty years ago. They've been the best of friends ever since, meeting in the park most mornings when their overall health and the weather will permit. Both grandmother's believe that a good gossip is the best way to start a day. It is their greatest delight to arrive at church with the village's best and most scandalous tales to be passed along to the ladies of their coffee club.
     Norma and Jean are the congregation's best source of village news. Gossip from anyone else, while still enjoyable and worthy of a tongue wag, must be taken with a grain of salt.

1 comment:

  1. I also think like the grandmothers that a good gossip is the best way to start a Sunday. What else a we need!
