Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Collin Hathaway Enjoys A Peaceful Lunch.

Collin Hathaway is enjoying his lunch on the back steps of Cloverdale's Sea Jumper Fish and Chips. Collin's lunch starts at 11:50 A.M. when he steps out of his jewelry shop and embarks on a ten minute walk to the Chippy. His timing isn’t intentional and everyone knows Collin is not excessively punctual, but the Sea Jumper knows to have his standard order ready at noon when he walks through the door. His timing rarely disappoints them.

Maurice Bastion is the owner of the Sea Jumper. His customers are loyal because of his good prices and jolly disposition. Maurice remembers his regular customers by name and takes a moment or two to inquire about their health and circumstances as he takes their money at the cash register. Collin appreciates this attention, but is courteous and respectful of other people’s time and keeps his remarks short so the line keeps moving.

Collin stops at a lime green counter stocked with salt, vinegar, ketchup and fresh lemons. He gives his chips a good coating of vinegar but is frugal with the salt. His high blood pressure is a concern. Fresh lemon juice on his halibut is a tasty must. Collin appreciates these extras.

Collin takes his lunch out the Chippy's side door and into a narrow alley walled by old Victorian bricks. Several trash cans line one wall. The dishwasher's bike is pad locked to a drain pipe on the other. Collin walks to the back of the shop and climbs the two steps leading to the shop's back door. He spreads newspaper, sits down and enjoys his lunch. This is his time. This is his place for inspiration.

Collin creates jewelry. Clouds are his specialty. From this back step, Collin watches invisible winds carry clouds of all shapes and sizes from the sea and across the blue transparent sky. He keeps a paper and pencil handy when inspiration begs for attention. By lunch's end he will have two or three drawings completed. At the right time they will be taken from their cabinet in his shop and laid out on a table. A day or two will be spent looking for the drawing that matches the personality and temperament of a client commissioning a new piece of Hathaway Cloud Jewelry.

The next time you visit Cloverdale be sure to take time to enjoy a lunch of fish and chips at the Sea Jumper. If you visit at noon please be courteous and do not disturb Collin Hathaway sitting on the back steps. Please leave him to his lunch and his clouds.

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