Albert Lewis of 37 Twin Peaks Lane disrupted the Widow Johnson's sunday school class at the Saved by Grace Baptist Church in Cloverdale today. Acting upon a dare issued by Forest Blume, a well known sunday school miscreant, Albert chewed mightily to soften the gum while the Widow Johnson spoke of man's sinful nature. Then, just as she reached the point in the lesson where she held her hands to the heavens and called on the Holy Spirit to touch the hearts and minds of those in her charge, Albert blew his bubble. The "POP" pierced the silent prayer - giving the Widow Johnson a fright.
"Jesus!" The Widow Johnson exclaimed. The class erupted into laughter.
"Forest Blume!" The Widow Johnson shouted. She looked straight at the only boy in the class with the temperament to do such a thing. "You're Hell bound for sure," she scolded. "Only you would do such a thing in a Baptist Sunday School." Forest smiled, then pointed to Albert. The pink remains of the most righteous bubble draped over his mouth, chin and nose provided the evidence.
"Albert Lewis?" The Widow Johnson couldn't believe her most religious student, her young pastor to be, would get involved in such tomfoolery.
"Forest dared me to do it," Albert confessed as he watch her building anger transform her face.
The Widow Johnson took both boys by the arm. "I should have known," she mumbled as she led them straight to the Pastor's office for a proper rebuking.
Sunday's are never dull at Cloverdale's Saved by Grace Baptist Church.