Wednesday, February 25, 2009

You're Not a Bird. That's Absurd. You're A Cat. What's Wrong with That?

Let’s be honest. There are some things in life you’ll never have. There are some things in life you will never be. Try as you might you’ll never fly like a bird. Try as you might you’ll never be able to breath under water and swim like a fish.

So, you start each day saying, “ I am what I am”. Once said you move on. You can change what you can change if it needs changing. You can improve it you need to improve. You can work hard to be all that you can be but realize that the key is ‘what you can be’. You can’t be everything. You can’t do everything but you can do some things. And you know, you can be happy living with that realization.

Realize who and what you are and who and what you will never be. Now go take on the day. Be the Best You Can Be!
We are all in this together.

Today’s Thought Brought To You By The Confederacy of Dunces Half Empty Society.
Yes, the glass is half empty. Get over it. If you want a full glass get up, pick up the glass and do something about it.

1 comment:

  1. I just read the book: "Dewey, the small-town library cat.." Wonderful fast read, uplifting and inspiring how a silly abandoned kitten could make such a difference to a library and a town (true story) This kitty reminded me of Dewey.

    What, however do I do with a dog that thinks it is a cat?...shesh.
