Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Cloverdale's Tempest

A spring storm thundered over Cloverdale last night. The Booming of thunder followed each blinding light sending the village’s youngest into their parent’s beds. Power went out for nearly an hour when the Milton’s old oak lost a branch over the power lines causing the main switch in the power house near the Clover River to trip. Of course, this happened in the middle of the night causing several to arrive late for work.

The Coastal Express experienced delays because of rock slides in the mountains. The announcement of the hour long delay emptied the train station. The inconvenienced passengers found some comfort in the good English breakfast served at McDunces
Coffee and Buns on Station Road.

McDunces Coffee and Buns

The Gabbing Geezers early morning coffee and tea club was in full debate as people trickled in. This morning's debate centered around the headline in the village paper reading, "First Touch Tone Phones. Now Traffic Lights? Cloverdale, A Community Experiencing Future Shock!" The village council is proposing to replace two of Cloverdale's Roundabouts with traffic lights. Of course, the Gabbing Geezers see no need. Mind you, most of them are beyond the government's allowed age for driving, but if its an opinion you're after, they've got one and be ready for a good hour of explanation, repeated multiple times within that hour.

DunceMail was late in arriving as well due to a misplaced boulder. It rolled down a hillside during the tempest, finding a new resting place on the main road into the village.

Minor flooding was reported along the Clover River around 6:00 A.M. There were no injuries and most cars heeded the village's new "Beware of Floods" sign and drove around the flooded street, although most said it wasn't the sign that dissuaded them from driving through the standing water.
"When I saw old Toffer Moor in his rowboat crossing the road in front of me I took a second thought and found an alternate route," said door to door Fuller Brush salesman Dean Drippley.

The village is returning to normal and life in Cloverdale will continue in its own confused and semi natural way.

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